Keeper Memorials expands virtual memorial services with acquisition of GatheringUs
Online memorial platform Keeper Memorials has acquired GatheringUs, a leader in virtual and hybrid memorial services.
Online memorial platform Keeper Memorials has acquired GatheringUs, a leader in virtual and hybrid memorial services.
One person in the United States died of the coronavirus every 28 seconds in January. The Washington Post spent three days with people closest to the terrible toll of the pandemic's dead...
Last month, when Jill Frechtman lost her grandmother, she wanted to mark her passing with a memorial service-an effort complicated by a lockdown that prohibited gatherings of family and friends.
The chapel's capacity is 85 people. On Friday, it held only a handful of Guadalupe Ortiz-Sandoval's closest relatives. They gathered with the priest and the camera...
The Internet has so many options for memorializing lost loved. Some of the sites listed below offer paid options that include additional features, but the primary goal is...
BURBANK, Calif. - "I wish I could hug you," Jill Frechtman told a crowd of faces over Zoom. But while hugging may not be an option right now, there is no restriction on finding...
Online memorial sites make it easier than ever to celebrate and honor a departed loved one. And there's a wide variety of memorial sites out there. They provide...
It wasn't a regular Saturday. There was no sleeping in, no skipping a shower, no leisurely coffee, and a crossword puzzle. I had a funeral to attend. I was moving early sho...
Simon Sotelo was 27 when she donated her body to science. The Portland, Oregon-based graphic designer is still very much alive - and presumably will be for decades...
This is taking coronavirus fears to the ultimate extreme -- rather than waiting until it's too late, more and more Americans are writing in-memoriam addresses ... for them...
Grief is never easy, but it's especially hard if you can't be with your loved ones in person. COVID-19 has made funerals incredibly complicated in recent months, but the onli...
People now have more options when it comes to safely celebrating those they love after loss, thanks to a new partnership between GatheringUs, a virtual memorial...
Dear Savvy Senior, My mother passed away last week, and because of COVID we didn't have a funeral. I would like to create some type of online memorial for her so family...
As families cope with challenging restrictions during the COVID-19 crisis, a number of digital end-of-life and death care companies are stepping up and collaborating to serve them...
During the pandemic, "Zoom funerals" and other online memorials have become the norm. And many experts think they'll be around to stay even after we "return to normal" to help...
As Lauren Zaslansky Conner, COO and co-founder of GatheringUs says, "We are continuously evolving our virtual and hybrid events in a way that makes them more human, so people can feel the love from near and afar."
Noha Waibsnaider and Lauren Zaslansky Conner share how people can overcome restrictions on in-person gatherings during the COVID pandemic with the technology help of GatheringUs. The company provides in-person and virtual memorial services and online memorial pages